The old ways for the new world.
I remember those days from childhood when my father sat us down on weekends and made us polish our school shoes. After all, we had to wear the same shoes, four days a week and got a fine for wearing dirty shoes to school and of course the embarrassment that came with it. He had to polish his Uniform shoes, he is a retired officer today. Time flew by, we could pay someone to polish and shine our shoes for the next few years. I grew up in India, this is what we all did, nothing special. We did that and the habit was broken. I grew up, started going to college, where we wear shoes that don’t need polishing. There was just so much fast fashion, never needed to do this mundane activity till about a few days ago. Now, so many years fast forward, after my teens, after my twenties, well into my thirties, I decided to polish my shoes and shine them, simply because they were expensive shoes and were losing the shine. All I could think of, was those times in my childhood, when we were t...