The Fidelity Clause
I'm no scholar on any subject, but my common sense says infidelity would have existed right after Adam and Eve, There was no Other option available to Adam if we all believe the story.
Earlier men were infidel because women were at home and men traveled, they needed someone to escape from their problems, someone simply from the outer world.
The women today have more responsibilities than men. They have more problems, they are the ones who have the opportunity and freedom to be with anyone they want to be. But why is it that everytime we talk of a failed relationship, its the man of the house who has committed the felony. Is it just that all the lame reasons aside, its the male instinct, which keeps them from being faithful.
I have seen a life from from free viewpoint for the last few years, have seen both genders committing same felony, what always astonishes me is the reaction of the society towards the two genders.
In whatever era the man has cheated, it was just another mistake which the wife should hide from the society to take care of her family name and repute. He must be forgiven. But when a woman crosses the line, its probably the last mistake in a relationship... It's probably over!!
Among all the hypocrisies of modern era, the fast growing society, its just another thing we want as we always had it in the past. but are we ready for the change that will change the rules of the game?? Are we ready to accept that mistakes happen and women are no goddesses who must follow the society that talks the most but bothers the least... Just a thought
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