Blinded by Ambition, healed by time..
Its been ages since I last wrote something, esp in the public domain.. "In and Out of love baby".. Its like you know the world exists, outside the realm of ones days and night, outside ones friends and family, other than ones professional and personal life and beyond how ONE likes to confine themselves in some boundaries, THERE IS A WORLD THAT EXISTS OUTSIDE ONES CIRCLE. Funny that this is what came to my mind now that I've finally decided to write something. May be because for last 12 months I decided that my world will be what I see and what I do. I was so adamant on training my mind not to think and feel anything what I wanted to. I've been sleeping really well, because my mind is not thinking at the exponential rate like it used to, about probabilities and possibilities, ifs and buts, do's and dont's, and all that ambiguity of life that I wanted to avoid. After my Australia trip in 2014, after getting my US work visa stamped, I had just one thing...