
Showing posts from May, 2014

For SINGLES only!!!

I have been struggling for quite some time on what do I write about. Anything and everything today seems to be over-discussed, over analyzed and everyone seems to be having a strong opinion on everything ranging from politics to sports to women empowerment. So I would like to open this season with something that everyone in my age group is struggling with: the TASK of getting married. Why do I call it a task? Because everyone seems to be setting up milestones and deadlines around this task so we get settled at the right time and do not miss the bus so as to say. As we all know in India, marriage is not meeting of two people and deciding to get hitched, it’s more of a social drama which is relished and enjoyed by the families and friends and the friends of the family. So who all are the perpetrators of this whole task?  My parents were surprisingly cool about the whole thing until recently. I peacefully finished MBA, joined my job and switched cities. It was not a big de...